Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving in Ireland!

Last week was Thanksgiving! It was definitely an interesting day. After seeing all the messages from my friends saying "Going Home, to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family" made me sad. It was very different celebrating the holiday in a different country.

I had to work on Thanksgiving :( But I offered to my principal to give lessons to any class that wanted one on Thanksgiving. I made up a very informative lesson and most of the classes really enjoyed it but I was very tired at the end of the day.

Erin and I were invited to have dinner with an American family that lived in town and was friends with the Walsh's. I was very happy to have the traditional meal. Jim barbecued the turkey and then Toni Lynn made stuffing, green bean casserole, corn, yams, bread and pumpkin pie. The meal was great! After dinner we went to the sitting room and watched a football game!!! I felt like I was back at home, it was so much fun!
I did miss my family a lot but when I got back home I was able to talk to them on the phone! It was great being able to talk to everyone, even though it was a short time. But hearing all their voiced put a smile on my face! It was very hard being away from them but this experience has been amazing and I still have 3 more weeks! Then I will be home for Christmas.

I also had my inspector, Neville, come and observe me teach yesterday and today. I was a bit nervous but it went very well! He saw my Thanksgiving lesson yesterday and a 5th year math lesson today. Both lessons we good and very different. He gave me some very nice comments and made me feel like I was doing a very good job here. I still cannot believe how quickly the time has gone! After today I am only in the school for 15 more days, that crazy! Teaching here has been challenging at times but everything is going so well that I will be sad to leave. I am really enjoying working with the students and faculty. These next few weeks will go fast but I am going to make the best of it!

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