Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Last weekend Erin and I went off to DUBLIN!!! This was the one place I really wanted to go on this trip, so I was VERY excited. I planned the whole weekend and I really enjoyed myself!
Saturday we went on a hop on hop off city tour. We had a little trouble finding it a first but we got it eventually. The first stop that we got off at was St. Stephen's Green. It was a beautiful park in the middle of a bustling city, I wish we could have had a picnic there, but we did not have the time and the weather was not cooperating. When we left St. Stephen's Green we were on Grafton Street. This is one of the biggest shopping street in Dublin, so of course we shopped! And again I found a Starbucks!
After some shopping and a lot of buying, we got back on the bus and the next stop was the Guinness Storehouse! I was so excited to take this tour and it was wonderful. We bought our tickets online so we got to jump the queue so that was great. The whole building is 7 floors! It began with the ingredients and production. At the end of those you were offered a taste of one of the many types of Guinness. As we continued up we learned a lot about the history of the factory and the beer. The part I really wanted to see was the evolution of the advertising of Guinness. There was even a exhibit all about John Gilroy, who drew the original advertisements. It was all very interesting. The very top floor is the Gravity Bar, where you can see all of Dublin, it was very cool but very crowded. We ended up having lunch there, which was very good, and I did a bit more shopping, of course.
While we were wait for the bus, Erin looked down and pointed out a FOUR-LEAF CLOVER!!! It was amazing!
We go back on the bus and then got off to see the Old Jameson Distillery. We did not take the tour here because neither of us were all that interested but I did buy a couple of souvenirs.After this, it was middle of the afternoon and we were very close to our hostel. We decided to make a quick stop there to drop off our purchases and then were off again to find more sight, this time on foot. We walked along the river in search of the Clarence Hotel. This is the hotel U2 owns!!! It was VERY nice. I looked into staying there during the weekend but it was WAY to expensive HAHA, but it was beautiful!Once we were done looking for Bono (we missed him :( sad) we walked around the corner and found the Temple Bar (later that night we went their to have a drink). On our walk back to the hostel we once again did some more shopping!On Sunday, we got up a little early because I really wanted to go to mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral. The Holy Eucharist was at 8:30. It was a very nice ceremony and the cathedral is absolutely beautiful! I was really happy we were able to do this.We had a bit of time before the bus left so we walked around a little and relax a little bit.Dublin was a lot of fun and I am so glad we went! Unfortunately that was my last little trip during this big student teaching trip. The next trip will be going home. The time has really flown by! I have had an amazing time and have experienced so much. Now on my last week, I plan on soaking everything in and enjoying myself!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Tragedy Day at School

Yesterday I walked into school, happy as usual. When I walked into the Staff Room I felt like something bad happened. I was not to sure what happened so I set all my stuff down and then my principal, Sr. Nuala, came in. She seemed very sad and worried. Finally she told us that a boy from St. Michael's, the all boys school across town, killed himself the night before. I was in shock. She knew he was only 17 and in his leaving certification, the last year in secondary school. After we got all the information and how we were going to deal with it, I had to go to my 5th Year class. There were some missing, some who knew him and found out when I told them and the rest were just in shock. I found it hard to go on with class, so I just had them work on problems from the book. That way they were not learning anything new, just working at their own pace.
The rest of the day was very gloomy, may students were upset. It seems like a lot of the girls knew him and were friends with him. It is hard to understand why he would do it with all these friends who are mourning him.
This experience was hard but I am almost happy that I had it. That might sound weird but now I have dealt with suicide and it will help me in the future (hopefully their will not be another suicide) comfort students with death of a family member or friend.

Monday, December 3, 2007


Over the weekend Erin, Jenna and I went to LONDON!!!! I was so excited to go and after all the planning I just wanted to get there and have fun! We planned a busy Saturday so that Erin and Jenna could see as much of London as they could, and since I had been to London twice before, I planned my own morning while they were on the sightseeing bus tour.

We got off to an early start so that we could see everything. So I road the tube with the girls and they got off to get their bus and I went on. My plan was to take the Shakespeare Walking Tour, but it did not start until 10:00, and it was only 8:30. So I decided to go and see my FAVORITE thing in London, the Tower Bridge!!! Every time I see it I get shivers. I think it is absolutely beautiful! And those of you who know me well, I hate going over bridges, but the Tower Bridge is my favorite sight!
After I saw that I walked a little down the Thames and I thought I might just walk to Westminster, where I had to meet my tour guide. Then I realized how far it really was and I hopped on the tube again. When I got off the tube at the Westminster Station, I saw Big Ben! It was gorgeous! The sun was hitting it perfectly and it looked lovely. I still had time before my tour started so I walked around and took pictures. It was really a beautiful day to see all the sights.
Finally, Big Ben struck 10:00, so I met up with my tour guide for my Shakespeare Walk. For a couple of minutes I was the only person going on the tour, the tour guide and I were placing bets on who we thought might be coming, haha. Then 2 couples came, so the whole tour was the 5 of us! So the tour was very personalized. The tour was very nice! I would recommend any off the London Walks to anyone who goes to London, they are very informational and you get to see different parts of London that you would not see normally. During the walk we took a boat to Bankside to see, what use to be, the theater district, in Shakespeare's time. I saw the reconstructed Globe Theater, which is almost a perfect replica! The beams are even put together with wood pegs instead of metal, I could not believe it! So interesting! Then we walked into the back roads and saw where the remains of the Rose Theater is and where the original Globe Theater was. I was a little shocked when we got to where the Globe Theater was because there is just this plaque and a few informational signs. I guess I thought there would be more or at least more people looking. We kept walking and saw other sights that were important to Shakespeare and the time that he wrote his plays. The whole tour was very informative and I really enjoyed it! We ended at this market, that I wish I could have spent more time at. It was so crowded but there was so much there, I ended up having a bratwurst for lunch quick.
I had to get lunch quick because I had to hop on the tube again to meet Erin and Jenna at the London Eye! I got there a bit early so I went to a central location to watch for them. I was a little nervous at first because it was very busy and we did not have an exact meet spot because we did not know the area (even though I had been there before, it was about 6 or 7 years ago, so I could not remember). Finally I saw them! That was a big relief, but then we had to get in a very long line! But the line actually did not take as long as I expected. When we got on, I started freaking out a little because I get scared of heights. But then once we were almost all the way up to the top I felt a lot better, I think going down is much easier than going up. The views were WONDERFUL!!!! You can see so much when you go on the London Eye and the weather was great!
After the Eye, since it took a little longer than expected, we decided to do a little bit of shopping and then go for tea a little early. We had afternoon tea at the Goring Hotel, which was just beautiful. This was the one thing in London I really wanted to do and I wanted to share it with the girls. Originally we were going to go to Harrods but they were booked, but the Goring Hotel was great also! We had a very nice time.
After tea we went to Harrods! As we were getting off the tube it started snowing! It was not very much but it was beautiful. But, OMG I love Harrods! But it was so crowded! I got to see my friend from New Zealand so that was really nice. Then we did a bit of shopping. They had all these bear things and I was LOVING it!!!
After Harrods, we got back on the tube and went to Kings Cross. Here Erin and I wanted to see Platform 9 3/4!!!! It is so funny that they actually made it. Jenna, who is not as big of a Harry Potter fan as Erin and I, laughed at us, but it was great.
This was a very jam packed day but there was still something I really wanted to do, GO OUT! So we went back to the hostel and changed. Then we got on the tube and went to Piccadilly Circus! This place is crazy and night! Neon light and crowds of people, I was loving it! After walking around a little bit we found a pub, Waxy O'Connor, and it was so much fun. We walked in thinking it was not going to be that great but it was absolutely packed!! There were like 5 bars and a million rooms. So much fun and the next time I am in London I will definitely go back!
Well I had an absolutely wonderful time in London, even if it was one full day! I love the city and am not thinking I should move there! HAHA.

Another Set Done :(

On Friday I finished with another three classes. I had 1 Ide, 2 Dympna and 5 Meabh. I must say, I really enjoyed this group of girls. There were a couple bumps but over all they were very good classes.
With the first years I did percentages. This was a very short chapter but I ended up stretching it out over the two weeks. I really enjoyed coming up with my end project, where I had the students come up with their own math problems. Unfortunately, I was not able to do the project because the class got cancelled (the day was shortened and they were my last class that day). But I told the teacher about it so I hope she does it. What the plan was, I had the students bring in an article or an advertisement with a percentage and a value in it. Then based on everything we had just learned about percentages they would have to make their own problem using what they brought. At the end I was going to have them exchange papers and solve the problems. I was very excited about this and I think it would have been a nice way to end the unit, instead of a test.
My second years were very sad to see me go. I was teaching them about coordinate geometry, midpoint, distance and slope of a line. This was something that I thought would come easy to them but it was actually very challenging. I spent the whole two week just on those three concepts. At the end I came up with a game to review them. I had a bag of points and I would pick one and they would have to find either the midpoint, distance or slope using the equations they had been learning. At the beginning of the class I told them about it and they were not happy they were playing a game using math, but I went on and split them up into two teams. Once we got started with the game they all really enjoyed it! And later that day I was talking to one of the girls in the class and she said she really liked the game, that made me feel really good and like I connected with them.
At the beginning I was really nervous with my fifth years but everything turned out really well. I taught them about complex numbers. This topic was a bit hard because when I found out that what I was teaching I was like, "What? I am going to have to reteach this to myself." But it all went very well. There were a couple days where I would explain how to do something with complex numbers and then look out at the class and they all looked confused but we got that all sorted out. It went really well and now I will be teaching the other fifth year class the same thing.
I have been really enjoying this teaching experience! I love walking through the halls how and have the girls that I have taught say, "Hi Miss. George!" I really enjoy it and it has started that girls that I have not taught are saying hi to me too. It is great, I will be sad to leave! Now I start my last two weeks with 1 Breanann, 2 Mel and 5 Niamh. I hope they are as good as the other classes I have had, and I am sure they will be!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Relaxing Weekend

This past weekend Erin and I took it easy and just stayed at home. It was very nice to be able to sleep in and hang out with the Walsh's. Plus I was coming down with a head cold, so this weekend was perfect to just just rest. But it was a little disappointing that we did not have the Internet. Do not worry we survived!

Chris and Phillip (and his girlfriend) came this weekend. It was a nice full house! It was very nice to see them again and get to know them better. The two of them are so funny and make everything very entertaining!

Erin and I walked into town on Saturday to look around at some shops. We did not buy anything, except some books at the book store, but we had a very nice lunch at a small cafe in town. It was nice being able to enjoy Listowel and just walk around during the day. I am usually to tired by the end of the school day or things are closed. Then Saturday night, Chris, Abigail, Lisa, Erin and myself went to see the movie "August Rush." What an amazing movie!!!! I loved it and Erin and I ended up going again on Sunday, HAHA.

On Sunday, we went to the Christian Fellowship Center with the Walsh's. This was like mass. I was very glad we were able to go with them to see how they praise God, because it is different than going to mass at a Catholic Church. We were very welcomed there and it was a very nice morning and early afternoon.

Now its back to teaching! Including this week I only have 3 more weeks left! I cannot believe it. I am having a great time with this group of 1st, 2nd and 5th years. They are very good students and I find myself coming up with activities that I created that still follow along with the book. At the end of the week I am having my 1st Years make their own math problems out of what they find in the paper or a magazine. I really hope they enjoy it because I am excited about it.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving in Ireland!

Last week was Thanksgiving! It was definitely an interesting day. After seeing all the messages from my friends saying "Going Home, to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family" made me sad. It was very different celebrating the holiday in a different country.

I had to work on Thanksgiving :( But I offered to my principal to give lessons to any class that wanted one on Thanksgiving. I made up a very informative lesson and most of the classes really enjoyed it but I was very tired at the end of the day.

Erin and I were invited to have dinner with an American family that lived in town and was friends with the Walsh's. I was very happy to have the traditional meal. Jim barbecued the turkey and then Toni Lynn made stuffing, green bean casserole, corn, yams, bread and pumpkin pie. The meal was great! After dinner we went to the sitting room and watched a football game!!! I felt like I was back at home, it was so much fun!
I did miss my family a lot but when I got back home I was able to talk to them on the phone! It was great being able to talk to everyone, even though it was a short time. But hearing all their voiced put a smile on my face! It was very hard being away from them but this experience has been amazing and I still have 3 more weeks! Then I will be home for Christmas.

I also had my inspector, Neville, come and observe me teach yesterday and today. I was a bit nervous but it went very well! He saw my Thanksgiving lesson yesterday and a 5th year math lesson today. Both lessons we good and very different. He gave me some very nice comments and made me feel like I was doing a very good job here. I still cannot believe how quickly the time has gone! After today I am only in the school for 15 more days, that crazy! Teaching here has been challenging at times but everything is going so well that I will be sad to leave. I am really enjoying working with the students and faculty. These next few weeks will go fast but I am going to make the best of it!


Two weekends ago, Nov. 16th - 18th, Jenna and I went to Scotland! OMG, it was absolutely amazing! Edinburgh was a beautiful city, I really enjoyed walking around the city. But it was a lot of up and down hills. Edinburgh Castle was on top of a hill and the hostel we were staying at was right across the street from the Castle. So when I got off the bus and turned to start walking to the hostel and saw the hill I had to walk up. Lets just say that I got my exercise walking around the city. But it was awesome!

On Saturday we went on a tour of Scotland. It was BEAUTIFUL! Unfortunately, it rained most of Saturday but I did not care, I was outside the tour bus taking pictures and enjoying the scenery. Our first stop was at the Highland Cow, Hamish. I never realized how a cow could be such a big tourist attraction.
We drove up to the highland and saw the most beautiful sights. The part of the tour I was the most excited for was to see Nessie!!!! But I never did see the Lock Ness Monster :( But I really enjoyed going to Lock Ness.
I had an amazing time last weekend and I even got some STARBUCKS!!!!